Emergency Shelter


Sometimes women and their children need a safe place to stay when an abusive partner (or any type of sexual assault) makes her current living situation too dangerous to continue to stay. PCDSVS offers an emergency safe house/shelter in a confidential location for women and their children to stay temporarily. While in shelter, women receive services by trained staff in order to assist with getting them living safely and independently. Our shelter staff also includes a child advocate who is available to meet the needs of the children staying there. This can include group activities, collaboration with the child’s school, individual counseling, and referrals to outside programs.


Protection from the abuser is the primary reason that women come to our safe house. Women and their children stay in private bedrooms and share the living room and kitchen areas with other families. Individual and group counseling are available. Women who come to shelter continue their daily activities, such as supervising their children, shopping for food, preparing meals, and can continue going to work. Housing, financial, and legal resource referrals are available to women and their children, who may stay in the shelter for up to 60 days.

If you or someone you know is in need of emergency shelter due to domestic violence and/or sexual assault, please contact our 24-hour hotline at: 973-881-1450.

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