Agency Description


Passaic County Domestic and Sexual Violence Center (PCDSVC) is a private, non-profit organization serving survivors of domestic violence and sexual violence in all forms. PCDSVC is a division of the NJAC. PCDSVC was established in 1986 with a mandate as the only shelter in Passaic County exclusively serving battered women and their children. Since the center’s inception, the services have expanded to include a variety of programs addressing the complex issues of domestic violence and sexual assault. Services are provided to any individual who is a survivor of domestic violence and/or sexual assault, or who is a person of support to a survivor of domestic violence and/or sexual assault regardless of sex, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, economic status, or immigration status.


PCDSVC is open and operational 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Services may be accessed through a 24-hour hotline, either directly by clients or through referral services. A drop-in outreach center is available to the general public during business hours. PCDSVC provides emergency shelter for women and their children, as well as a full spectrum of ancillary support services.

Group therapy in session sitting in a circle in a bright room-1

Extensive services are available to anyone concerned with the issues of domestic violence and sexual assault in Passaic County, whether they are in need of shelter or not. These services include but are not limited to, supportive case management; support groups; accompaniment to hospitals; court; law enforcement and social service agencies; or those seeking preventative education programs for their agency or institution.


PCDSVC collaborates with the Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office and the Municipal Police Departments throughout the county on the implementation and ongoing supervision of volunteer advocates on both the Domestic Violence Response Teams and the Sexual Assault Response Team. These programs train volunteers to provide information, referral, and support to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault when a survivor presents at a hospital or police department.

All services of PCDSVC are free and confidential.

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